Cat Normoyle

Cat Normoyle is an Associate Professor of Graphic Design in the School of Art & Design at East Carolina University, NC. Her work explores community-based practices, community engagement, design pedagogy, interactive experiences, technology, and creative making processes.

Public Art Installation activates the new extension of the Greenline to promote the space and encourage Social Interaction and Activity among Pedestrians

A future site of the Uptown Memphis Greenline is activated with a new visual identity, designed to promote the space and encourage social interaction and activity among pedestrians. This site connects the Greenline from downtown Memphis all the way to Shelby Farms. This project was designed for the community of Uptown Memphis (north end) at the corner of Marble Avenue and Danny Thomas Boulevard.

The installation emphasizes motion, movement, activity, and energy through large, weaving line work, bright colors, and barrel shaped wheels. Actual bicycle wheels were installed on the top of the wall as a kinetic sculptural addition.


The work also includes a subtle nod to Memphis’s skyline with the iconic bridge shape woven into the graphic. The final work is an abstraction of the old steam-powered river boats that would transport passengers and freight up and down the Mississippi River.


This project was made possible by an ArtsZone grant from Autozone and student participation at Memphis College of Art.

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